Welcome To My Twisted Mind

My name is Air :) This website contains all my shit.

The idea is to give myself an online public space to share anything I like to get over my fear of expressing myself online. Because I'm so scared all the time it's ridiculous!!!

I'm 22, a young adult feeling like a young child, scared of everything and everyone. I've had social anxiety almost all my life, and it's really ruined me. So in making this site which is technically public, even if no one sees it, I'm challenging the scared part of me who hides her words and opinions away for fear of judgement, the me who never even learned to find safety in public anonymity.

Originally I made this site as a place to post BTS lyric analyses, hence why it's named 'Bibilly Hills'. It's a phrase RM coined in his verse in Telepathy, a play on 'Beverly Hills' and the Korean phrase '비빌 언덕' (bibil eondeok) - directly meaning 'hills you can rub on' - that refers to something you can lean/rely on.

"Oh can I be your Bibilly Hills like you did the same to me?"

I hope making this website will be fruitful for me! I'm the type of person who starts projects ambitiously then experiences burnout and completely abandons them (aren't we all in this day and age). I hope this one won't be one of those cases.

More about me >>>>

(I'm aware my website looks like ass right now give me some time to make it pretty :3)